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Love it. Love it, not. - Laser Facial, Botox

Love it. Love it, not.

Love it. Love it, not.

How Does Tattoo Removal Work?

You knew when you got your tattoo way back when that it was permanent – and you felt confident with your choice. But now that you’re well into adulthood, you may be having regrets. Perhaps the tattoo is no longer an accurate reflection of your style or personal values. Or maybe you want to put a different tattoo in its place. You can’t go back in time and never get the tattoo in the first place, but with today’s tattoo removal technology, you can eliminate it.

In the past, tattoos were removed in a number of painful ways, like dermabrasion and surgical removal. Thankfully, tattoo removal has evolved and now happens through the use of lasers. Although there are several excellent laser technologies on the market, at Vivid Tattoo Removal we use the Enlighten™ laser system.


What is Enlighten?

Enlighten is a revolutionary tattoo removal system that utilizes nanosecond and picosecond technology to send light pulses to your skin. These light pulses don’t and the sensation is no more painful that lightly snapping a rubber band against your skin. To give you an idea of how fast the light pulses are, consider that a picosecond is one trillionth of a second, which is a thousand times faster than a nanosecond.

Over the course of several treatments, the laser light breaks up the ink into tiny particles to be absorbed by your body. After absorption, your body eliminates the miniscule ink particles through its normal processes. With Enlighten, you could require up to 40 percent less treatment sessions than other tattoo removal methods.

The reason we offer both picosecond and nanosecond technology is to give clients the option to choose the pulse speed they prefer. Generally speaking, we recommend the picosecond for dark ink tones and dense designs. If you have a light or shaded tattoo, using nanosecond is usually sufficient. No other device currently exists that enables tattoo removal practitioners and patients to choose pulse speed based on individual factors. Skin types from extremely light to extremely dark can all benefit from the Enlighten laser.


Schedule a Consultation to Start Planning for Your Tattoo Removal

Tattooing your (former) love’s name may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but we know you’re over it. No worries…your regrettable tattoo can soon be history. The first step is to meet with the staff of Vivid Tattoo Removal. We can evaluate your tattoo and let you know how many sessions you should expect. This differs for each person based on ink colors, age of the tattoo, location, composition, depth, and a number of other factors.

To schedule a consultation, or for more information, just click here.

Vivid Tattoo Removal is a pioneer in laser tattoo removal technology, and is an affiliate of North Beach Vascular & Aesthetics.



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