Spider Veins on the Face and Legs
This laser has many excellent applications. This is THE vascular laser on the market to treat spider veins (reddish/purple small veins), reticular veins (the green/blue larger ones), and cherry angiomas (little red spots). Also works very nicely on light and dark brown sun spots, skin tags and tiny spider veins on the face.
Although sclerotherapy is still the gold standard treatment for spider veins on the legs, we are using the Cutera Excel V laser more often with sclerotherapy to achieve the best results. In those cases where we can treat with just the Excel V alone, the patient does not need to wear compression hose!
Have a look at the below before and after images.
Individual Telangiectasia
Leg Veins
Periorbital Blue Veins
Reticular Vein
Spider Veins
Telangiectasia Nose